Christmas Dinner Dec 12th 2022

The Gabriola Lions Club were able to once again gather at the Gabriola Golf Course Clubhouse to enjoy a Christmas feast provided by the fabulous Dawn and her catering elves. While we did have some business to attend (don’t we always), there was also much laughter and story telling during the evening. We were so pleased that our district governor Lion Lia Marie was able to attend to enjoy our infectious camaraderie.

Although there were a few lucky winners of fabulous door prizes, most of us left empty and bitter but with full tummies so the night was not all lost.

Lion Kathy stuns her table guests when she totally messes up the lyrics to Jingle Bells.
Lion Eric is shocked to find out later that he could have sat at a better table.
Lion Shirley did win the Lion of the Year award so we forgave her for being first in the food lineup.

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