Concert o.t. Green Aug 4th 2022

On Thursday August 4th 2022, the Gabriola Lions Club welcomed over 1500 exuberant fans to the Concert on the Green after a two year absence. The two bands, Classic Ronstadt and Eagle Eyes played their hearts out to this very appreciative audience as the Gabriola Lions came out in full force to make sure this family fun event went off without a hitch. As a result, this year’s concert was a resounding success with special thanks to Lion John Roman and his hard working concert committee. And, of course, all the funds raised will go right back into supporting our loving Gabriola community.

This year’s hugely successful concert will springboard us into the 2023 concert which will star our own Gabriola Road Poets and featuring Tom Lavin and the Legendary Powder Blues Band!

While Lion Ken prevents Lion Jon from absconding with the cash this year, one happy concert fan shows Lion Anne where the sun is currently located.

Lion Bill practices his “don’t mess with me” Head Security Officer look should we ever need security which we don’t.
gabriola lions gather for a photo
The Gabriola Lions Club team and other random audience members gather for a group photo to show how much we love the Concert on the Green and the color yellow!
Of course drug checks at the gate are just part of the norm these days.
As well as selling our hugely popular 50/50 draw tickets, Lion Bruce includes his phone number to any audience member that does not have high expectations.

The kids were eager to check out the stray unicorn that the RCMP had picked up. As word spread of this, Gabriola’s adult male “My Pony” fans were racing over.
While the parents had a beer garden and their cooler to get themselves dizzy, their kids had to resort to old school methods.
These folks are having a great time and not just because of the music. Their strategically place golf tee behind them has hit a home run for one surprised fellow.
Despite the attitude and fun, once again the food was awesome at the Concert on the Green.
Trying to add to the festival and to keep people entertained, Lion Betsy starts dancing during Lion John’s introductory speech. How she kept it up for 30 minutes is quite astonishing!
Lion Sharon records the fact that Lion Sandy is still sitting upright after silently downing a growler of cider.
Prior to the first act starting, Lion Eric grabs what he thought was the microphone and sings his rendition of “My Bonnie”.
As Tail Twister, Lion Bruce is quick to note that Lions Jon and Anne are to be fined at the next meeting for not only having too much fun but also for having not sold any tickets despite the fact that the gates are not yet open.
The concert crowd rushes the stage when Lion John mistakenly introduces the Beatles using his much admired Ed Sullivan accent.
Showing off her body ink, Classic Ronstadt warms the crowd with the covers of Linda’s country and folk pop songs.
Able to check out any time you like but you can never leave, The Eagle Eyes wowed the crowd with classic Eagles and some Joe Walsh solo songs.
As the music wound up and the air cleared itself of the smell of enjoyment, another successful Gabriola Lions Club Concert on the Green came to a close. Thank you Lion John!

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