A great day it was on Sunday, May 28th where we rallied at Twin Beaches, Gabriola for our annual Dog Walk. We can attest to the fact that in Canada, we finish our walk with a beach frolic. So appreciated by the dogs, and their families we estimated 60 – 70 dogs finished the walk. Mike Phillips, a Lion for many years, started the additional beach frolic with his three dogs, and it has continued year after year.
MLA Sheila Malcolmson, a resident of Gabriola, welcomed all the dogs and walkers, speaking briefly of the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. Carol Martin, District Chair for Lions Foundation of Canada sent everyone off on their walk.
The ambulance drove in with Derek Kilbourn ready for a photo shoot. Don Butt shutter clicked a massive number of keep sake photos. Gabriola’s vintage car club rally was also held the same day and one gleaming, red vintage sports car sporting both Doug Cavill and Ken Nicolson handing over a fist full of 20’s as a donation to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
With the ongoing support of Lions volunteering to make it happen, we raise significant dollars which go directly to www.DogGuides.com . Our Canadian goal this year is $1.4M. To date we are well over half way there with more donations coming in daily.
It takes $35,000 to breed, train, and match a dog to their new home empowering Canadians living with disabilities to navigate their world with confidence and independence.
The Gabriola Dog Walk was initiated by Linda Olsen and then by Joan Ensor, both dedicated to Lions and dogs. The torch passed to Jude Briscoe who organizes the event year after year, a joy to all. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for all your support and enthusiasm.
Our final total raised is $5760.00 to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.
Donations from our participants were $3760 plus the Gabriola Lions donation at $2000 = $5760 to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. I huge round of appaws!