Pancake Breakfast Sep 18th 2022

On September 18th, the Gabriola Softball tournament organizers asked the Gabriola Lions to host a pancake breakfast to start their day. We came to the plate and were privileged to pitch some great food to the fans who came out to see some ball play and to throw some sliders to the players who participated in the games. Like all our Lions breakfasts, our grand slam of pancakes, eggs and sausages turned out to be a walk off homerun with the ballpark crowd.

As Lion Steve enjoys his morning Caesar, Lions Dixon and Neil get to first base with the pancakes under the guidance of base coach Lion Shirley.
Hitting a fastball by grilling some delicious sausages, Lion Larry delivers another RBI for Team Lions.
Lion Dixon demonstrates his skillful pancake stacking technique while Lion Sharron calls a strike on that pitch.
Getting into the softball game play behind her, Lion Shirley inadvertently shouts “Batter Up” and Lion Dixon is quick to oblige.
Always the wizard with the batter, Lion Dixon manages to design a cake that will really weigh you down!

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