Lions BBQ Jun 24 2024

At 5pm, the Gabriola Lions Club invaded the homestead of Shirley & Ken Nicholson to hold the annual end-of-year BBQ. It was a great event where the club could share the successes of the year while enjoying some fine food amid much hilarity. Crazy hijinks aside, there was some serious business to attend to as well. Lion Doug Cavill was presented the Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship award by president Lion Jonathon, Lion Betsy was honored for her contribution to Lions International Quest program getting a coveted Lions Guest lunch bag and the Lions Board of Directors were introduced to the club. In the end it was deemed a great night as we all left Shirley & Ken’s property relatively unscathed with full stomachs and smiles on our faces.

Lion Mike, quizzically unsure of what he just picked up, announced that the appetizer table was better than usual this year.
Club president Lion Jonathon approves Lion Olga’s announcement that she will be hosting next year’s Lions BBQ.
As Lions Olga looks on in disbelief from the appetizer table, Lion Jonathon once again demonstrates the length he is willing to go to tell a good story.
Lions Bill and Bruce discuss the many benefits of the vegan diet.
Lion Kathy enjoys a well-deserved celebratory toast as she counts down her last moments as club treasurer.
The hungry and unruly mob of Gabriola Lions, along with their partners, react to the news that Lion Ken has finally decided to fire up the BBQ.
As a proud Gisela looks on, club president Lion Jonathon presents the Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship award to Lion Doug. Well done Lion Doug!
Since Lion Shirley had yet to bring out the plates, Lion Graham decided to use his Vancouver Island road map as a means to get the first burger off the grill.
Lion Betsy, having just eaten one of the best burgers ever created, contemplates whether dessert could ever top the mouthfeel she has right now.
As Lion Maureen stares on in disbelief, president Lion Jonathon invites Lion Betsy to sing to the club her latest composition “Lions, Oh What a Feeling!”.
While Lion Betsy and an invited guest conduct a staring contest, Lion Betsy’s husband Hector keeps a watchful eye on the RCMP helicopter overhead.
The Gabriola Lions Club board of directors for 2024/2025 are introduced to an astonished membership.
Lion Ken and Lion Shirley, as gracious hosts of the annual Gabriola Lions Club end of year BBQ, along with the tolerant neighbours cannot wait until everyone leaves!

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